Partner & Customer Success Initiative​ – Bulk Ticket

Partner Incentive & Customer Success Initiative Summit North America 2023 – Bulk Ticket

We’ve created an additional way to increase your numbers for the Community Summit Partner Incentive Program. Sponsors can now buy all-access attendee passes in bulk and share out with their VIP clients and prospects to redeem for FREE attendee registration to Community Summit NA 2023*. In addition, they will also receive a free 1-year membership to Dynamics Communities, so they can engage with the community year-round.

Partners can fill out their contact info and the amount of tickets they would like to purchase HERE, and our sales team will send the invoice for payment. Once received, our operations team will send a unique code that Partners can then send out to the VIP clients and prospects of their choice.

Discounts are based on current attendee all-access pass price of $1,699.
Rates will increase to $1,599 on August 1st.

  • 5-9 tickets – 15% discount
  • 10-19 – 20% discount
  • 20-49 – 25% discount
  • 50+ – 30% discount (If ordering more than 50, we will confirm total number before invoicing.)

*Ticket purchases only apply to Summit NA 2023 and will not rollover to 2024 attendee tickets. No refunds on non-redeemed tickets. Tickets cannot be resold.

How it works: Everyone WINS

The Partner with most users attending Summit will get:​

  • Private bar & reception in their booth at the opening reception ($10,000 value)​
  • Reception will be sanctioned in the agenda and announced over the loudspeaker​
  • Each user that has registered with their promo code will have a special invitation to attend​
  • Acknowledgement on the main stage from CEO John Siefert prior to the keynote​
  • Financial incentive based on the number of users they attract (see lower)

Top Four Runner Up Partners will get​

  • Raffle gift to be awarded during opening reception​
  • Raffle will be sanctioned in the agenda and announced over the loudspeaker​
  • Each user that has registered with their promo code will have a special invitation to attend​
  • Financial incentive based on the number of users they attract (see lower)

All partners will get the following financial incentives:

  • 10-29 users registering with promo code: $1,000 credit for 2024 Summit​
  • 30 -59 users registering with promo code: $3,000 credit for 2024 Summit​
  • 60-79 users registering with promo code: $4,000 credit for 2024 Summit
  • 80+ users registering with promo code: $5,000 credit for 2024 Summit ​

Don’t forget to still share your client 10% off code off on your social media feeds! If you need to have your client promo code sent again, please fill out the form below.

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